I delve into how individual freedoms and constraints shape actions and impact political motivations, particularly in fueling populist movements. My focus extends to understanding these influences within communication channels, notably in the realm of social media. Alongside delving into resistance dynamics, I’m deeply engaged in emotion psychology projects, channeling this expertise into innovative product development and projects that serve the general public; namely a new project to research belonging in wicked times. As an interdisciplinary researcher and lecturer at LMU, I’m dedicated to unraveling these complexities and exploring human interactions at the crossroads of social psychology and communication sciences. Through research, teaching, and collaborations, I strive to deepen our grasp of societal intricacies.
Communication in action
I speak, write, and develop. In addition to my podcasts, I give lectures, moderate events, or give workshops on positive psychology, freedom, or political motivation. As a communications consultant, I develop and design (un)ordinary projects and am a scientific companion and creative partner—in both, English and German.
What I’ve been thinking about
Stollen, Streit und Stille Nacht – Diskurstraining unterm Weihnachtsbaum
Read more: Stollen, Streit und Stille Nacht – Diskurstraining unterm Weihnachtsbaumoder: „Ho, ho, ho…ffentlich bleibt’s dieses Jahr ruhig..!“ [English Version below] Weihnachten – in den Prospekten eine Zeit der Harmonie, der Liebe, des Zusammenhalts. Und doch sieht die Idylle am Festtagstisch oft anders aus: Manchmal genügt ein Satz, um die Atmosphäre kippen zu lassen; plötzlich sitzen…
Wir sollten mehr mit Ulli über Freiheit reden.
Read more: Wir sollten mehr mit Ulli über Freiheit reden.(„We should talk more about freedom with guys like Ulli.“ – English version below) „Jeder Mensch hat das Recht, sich frei zu entfalten. Das heißt: Jeder Mensch darf sein Leben so leben, wie er möchte. Jeder Mensch hat die Freiheit zu machen, was er möchte. […]…
„If I were you, I’d read this article!“*
Read more: „If I were you, I’d read this article!“**The Subtle Power of Social Pressure [Deutsche Version am Ende des Texts] Have you ever been in a situation where it seemed like someone was trying to influence your decisions, even though they weren’t telling you what to do? Maybe it was a friend suggesting a…
That’s me.
I am a social psychologist (LMU, UdK, former visiting researcher @ UC Berkeley), choir singer, runner, and communicator. My research topics range from emotional psychology to home and political motivation concepts. All that collides in hands-on interpersonal communication. I have a thing for problems and another for order; I tend to get lost in my mind and slide down the edges of my soul, and in all that, I feel that we are all not so different from one another. I share the condensed view of my life’s obstacles, insights, and learnings in my research, podcasts, and blog posts – because I am certain that sharing this stuff makes everyone feel better, stronger, closer, and less weird. And that’s a good thing.